Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A salad bowl of international players

Was on vacation for a week, so I didn't keep up with the bloggage.

Petrobras, Brazil's nat'l oil company, is bringing the first FPSO project into the Gulf of Mexico, and as many in the industry know, they are stepping up to the plate to bring O&G production to the States.

The Cascade/Chinook project is the first major field development executed by Petrobras in the US, and it is bringing an international scope of partners and contractors together to produce hydrocarbons in the ultradeepwater Gulf. The t\three operator partners (one the national oil company of Brazil, one a large US independent, and the other HQed in France) have contracted a Norwegian company, which in turn, is using a British company to help design the FPSO, which is being modicified and converted at a shipyard in Singaport before sailing to the Gulf.

Whew, that was a mouthful. All to bring energy to your gas tank and home.

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