Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How high

No, this is not about that idiotic movie starring Redman and Lisa Turtle.

No, the question is how high must a barrel go until we realize that our current energy policy has failed us.

I'm not a gloom-and-doom kind of guy or one that fully subscribes to the Peak Oil theory. And I can't stand those people that just have that frankly wish that society is going to crash and we should flee for the hills. I also don't have high regard for those idiots that say we are damning our climate by burning hydrocarbons.

It's blatant bullshit.

Enough complaining. Enough pandering. Enough speculation.

The time to act is now.

We must open the forbidden areas of the offshore continental shelf to exploration and production.

We must drill in ANWR and other places in Alaska.

We must further allow the usage of nuclear power.

We must get all that coal out of the mountain side.

We must stop burning our food for fuel.

And finally, we must stop shooting ourselves in the foot, preaching all this climate change horseshit.

When will the people get it??

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