Friday, August 22, 2008

A sound energy policy

Amazing what time can do. Seeing as I haven't posted in well over two months, I think it's time to get off the schneid and return to venting.

Crude spiked to $147 in mid-July and receded to settle $114.59 today. Interesting that prices rocketed up and are falling almost as fast. The barrel keeps looking for that bottom, but as energy becomes a hot-button issue in the election year, I came across a fitting statement in this week OGJ.

The US energy policy as it relates to oil and gas is to hoard crude in strategic storage, limit domestic production with land-use policy, stimulate with tax policies and mandates the manufacture and use of uncompetitive fuels, err on the side of high fuel cost in environmental regulation, and treat oil companies like criminal enterprises when fuel prices rise. This is, in fact a comprehensibe energy policy. It's a poor one, but comprehensive none the less.

It's going to be a real interesting campaign season, and it's just now getting heated up. Obama and the D's really had their heads up his ass on energy policy, but until McCain flop-flipped his course on offshore drilling, his head was going where Obama and cohorts were heading.

Shameful that Paris Hilton seems to have hit the nail on the head here.

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